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NIEAPA committees are always accepting new committee volunteers who are enthusiastic about getting involved and eager to make a difference. Join a committee to share your experiences and expertise, connect with fellow members and collaborate with your peers on programs and initiatives to advance our profession - all while developing skills that will benefit you both personally and professionally.

Our standing committee meetings all take place virtually on Zoom, and are scheduled as follows:

  • Communication: 1st Wednesday of each month, 9:30-10:00am CT
  • Conference: 3rd Friday of each month Sept-June, 12-1pm CT
  • Diversity: 2nd Friday of odd-numbered months, 11am-12pm CT
  • NIEAPA Professionals Support: usually 2nd Monday of each month, 10:30-11:30am CT
  • Labor: 3rd Wednesday of each month, 9:30-11:30am CT
  • Membership: 2nd Monday of odd-numbered months, 11:30am-12:30pm CT

If you are interested in getting involved with a committee or joining a meeting, please contact us directly at nieapa@corpevent.com

Communication Committee
Lauri DeGiacomo
Ashley Treder

The communications committee is focused on educating professionals in the region about what EAP is and does; and, serving the membership of the Northern Illinois chapter, which is one of the largest in the country.  We look for opportunities to increase awareness of our own educational events as well as others that may be of professional interest and that offer CEUs.  We function as a hub for community connections as well as facilitate the process of identifying the right industry resources.

Volunteers help make these connections through development of our website as a central source for the community and our participation in social media.

Conference Committee
Liz King
Darek Horan

The Co-Chairs are responsible for recruiting, vetting and assigning the best candidates to the various program areas.  In addition, the Chair and Co-Chair provide support wherever necessary in order to accomplish the tasks/goals  of the entire Conference Committee.

Credentialing Committee
Chair: Tom Delegatto

The Credentialing Committee supports the Program and Conference Committees work. The members of the Credentialing Committee are responsible for applying for all CEUs and PDHs for the chapter presentations and the conference. The two main bodies that provide the CEUs and PDHs are IAODAPCA and EAPA. The Credentialing Committee members are responsible for gathering resumes/vitas for presenters, goals and objectives of a presentation for EAPA from the Program Committee. The same items are required for IAODAPCA along with sample evaluation forms and sample certificates.

Applications must be submitted a month before the planned presentation to both organizations with the aforementioned documents and all related fees. In addition, the state of Illinois IDPR may request updated information on presentations in order to allow NIEAPA to remain as an approved provider of training for licensed individuals. Records of all training events and attendees must be kept for auditing purposes for a minimum of six years.

Diversity Committee
Chair: Bill Heffernan

The NIEAPA Diversity Committee is committed to increasing multicultural membership and active participation in the NIEAPA organization and board, and meeting the leadership challenges of our multicultural community. Identified tasks include outreach and education. 

“NIEAPA members shall seek to develop an awareness of their own personal and cultural values and beliefs as one way of appreciating the importance of multicultural identities in our own lives and in the lives of those we serve. NIEAPA members shall have and continue to develop specialized knowledge  and understanding about the values, traditions and systems of all employees at the workplaces they serve.”

For more information regarding Cultural Competency please visit the following pages:

Cultural Competence

NASW Cultural Competency Standards

Limited English Proficiency

2018 NIEAPA Diversity & Inclusion Survey Summary

EAP Peer Consultation Forum
Chair: Paul Fitzgerald

The NIEAPA Peer Consultation Forum provides a discussion format for EAPs engaged in providing clinical services directly to clients. Discussions revolve around issues affecting EAPs’ work and clients.

Ethics Committee
Chair: Paul Fitzgerald

The NIEAPA Ethics Committee was formed to provide a resource for sharing knowledge and fostering discussion about the ethical practice of Employee Assistance. EA work, by its nature, presents challenges in the areas of responsibility to clients and to organizations, with differing challenges for internal, external, and hybrid Employee Assistance models. While not a substitute for legal counsel, the availability of peer consultation and the opportunity to process ethical questions with fellow professionals is an important component of helping EA professionals and clinicians uphold the highest level of ethical practice and faithfully carry out our mission to assist employees, their families, and the organizations where they work.

In 2015, the Ethics Committee began working with the NIEAPA Peer Consultation Forum to provide ethical consultation as part of the peer consultation process. Additionally the Committee seeks input from NIEAPA members and other stakeholders concerning current ethical issues and challenges of interest, which may present continuing professional education and training opportunities in collaboration with the NIEAPA Program Committee. Members are invited to contact the Chair to initiate a discussion/consultation with the Committee around ethical questions.

NIEAPA Professionals Support Committee (NPSC)
Chair: Scott Janson

The NIEAPA Professionals' Support Committee provides an interdisciplinary forum for purposeful collaboration and development of resources and assistance specific to the wellbeing of high accountability professionals in safety sensitive positions.

Labor Committee
Chair: Charley Galassini

Our mission is twofold. First, we are dedicated to obtaining comprehensive alcohol and drug treatment, and all other mental health services for our members and their dependents at a reasonable and fair cost. Second, we are advocating for member assistance program development within Labor, and forrecognition of the key role that Labor plays from the field’s professional organization, and by its treatment providers.

The Labor Committee shall be composed of those members of trade/industrial union/management joint programs who are involved in the actual provision or administration of member’s assistance services with special emphasis on chemical abuse or dependency issues and mental health issues.

Membership on the committee shall be limited to only those who are currently active or retired dues paying members in good standing in a recognized union and those who provide services. A company that services union members and who is supportive to the causes of labor. Management/Company members must currently be active or retired from a Union/Company Joint Program.) The majority of the committee must be members of organized labor. It is preferred, but not required, that members also be members of NIEAPA.  No one should be denied membership on the Labor Committee on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation.

Please view past presentations from the Labor Committee Seminars:

The Interplay of Addiction, Mental Health and Trauma in the LGBTQI Community by Jeff Zacharias, ACSW, LCSW, CSAT, CAADC

Why Obesity is not the problem, Fat is not the enemy, & Diet is not the solution! The Challenge of Treating BED by Ralph E Carson, RD, PhD

Membership Committee
Chair: Cheryl Bristor-Wilson

The NIEAPA Membership committee serves the NIEAPA membership by continuously evaluating the value of a NIEAPA membership and looking at ways to develop value added features for our members. Our committee members also reach out directly to those that have let their memberships lapse. This contact serves as a reminder to renew, if so inclined, and as an opportunity to gather feedback on how we can serve our members better from those that choose not to renew.

Program Committee
Laura Adams

The Program Committee selects speakers and locations for the NIEAPA Chapter Meetings. We are always interested in excellent presenters, especially on EAP-specific topics. If you are interested in speaking at a chapter meeting or our Conference, please submit your proposal here. We are also always in need of host sites for our Chapter meetings (held in February, April, August, October and December yearly). Appropriate sites are within the Chicagoland area, have available parking, and can accommodate a group of up to 80. AV must be provided as well (screen, projector, microphone). Each meeting also has a food/refreshment sponsor who provides the continental breakfast. This can be done by either the host site or another organization, and can be split between 2 organizations as well. If you are interested in hosting a meeting or providing refreshments, please email us at nieapa@corpevent.com.

Student and New Professionals Outreach Committee
Chair: Paul Fitzgerald

The Student and New Professionals Outreach Committee was formed in response to one of EAPA International’s key Strategic Plan components: to increase and diversify EAPA membership, especially in terms of professional continuity, by raising awareness and interest among new graduates and entering or career-changing professionals.

The committee works with graduate schools in EA-related clinical fields (counseling, social work, marriage and family therapy, and psychology) to provide information about our field and about NIEAPA’s member organizations to graduate students and field placement directors, with the goal of developing interest in Employee Assistance as a career path. Additionally, the Committee works to foster awareness and provide information about Employee Assistance to practicing professionals who may be interested in forging relationships with those in the EA field in Northern Illinois. This includes raising awareness about EA-related job opportunities as well as participation in EA affiliate networks.

Each fall, the Committee hosts an “EAP 101” presentation, panel discussion, and networking event, at which the background and foundational principles of Employee Assistance and organizational behavioral health programs are discussed. A further goal of the event is to give students and professionals the opportunity to meet and network with representatives of EAP’s, current EAP practitioners and affiliates, graduate school representatives, and representatives of EA-related treatment resources.

Veterans Affairs Committee
Chair: Devin Stieber

Veterans, while only a fraction of our population, protect all Americans. Those who serve represent the true melting pot of America, coming from all regions, backgrounds and walks of life. They pledge allegiance to the Constitution and often have experiences that civilians are unable to fathom. Veterans often do not talk about their service for fear of being misunderstood or judged, except when connecting with veterans with similar service history.

The NIEAPA Veterans Affairs Committee is focused on understanding the needs for veterans, learning about resources that are veteran focused and promoting the recognition and care of veterans through all Employee Assistance Programing.

Northern Illinois Chapter Employee Assistance Professionals Association (NIEAPA)

Address: 400 E. Randolph #3115, Chicago. IL 60601
Phone: +1 (312) 756-7756
Email: nieapa@corpevent.com

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